[quote]00:00 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: Shortest load by player [Geboth] was 5.44 seconds.
00:00 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: Longest load by player [Mdo-podeng] was 18.97 seconds.
00:00 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: This game is hosted by GHost++ ( [Allies] Krystal: solo
00:02 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -APSPSO
00:03 [Allies] Nocturne: -di
00:05 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -CLEA
00:06 [Allies] Nocturne: -weather moonlight
00:08 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
00:08 [Allies] Nocturne: -water 40 41 219
00:11 [Allies] Nocturne: -music undead1
00:12 [All] Mdo-podeng: wwkwkw
00:13 [All] Krystal: kpa sp
00:15 [All] Krystal: elele
00:16 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: gebot sablah
00:20 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -switch 4
00:21 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
00:22 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
00:24 [Allies] Nocturne: -ok
00:26 [Allies] tatoki: -ok
00:27 [All] Upil-Gajah: -ok
00:27 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: -ok
00:28 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
00:28 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
00:29 [Allies] Geboth: -ok
00:30 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
00:32 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
00:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: kk
00:34 [Allies] Upil-Gajah: -clear
00:36 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -ok
00:36 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
00:40 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -1
00:41 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
00:42 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
00:50 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: oe
00:52 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -ok
00:52 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: az
00:54 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
00:54 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
00:54 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
00:54 [Allies] tatoki: -ok
00:55 [All] Mdo-podeng: woi
00:56 [All] Mdo-podeng: swt
00:57 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: woi
00:58 [All] Mdo-podeng: 1
00:59 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: swt
01:01 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: -ok
01:02 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
01:02 [Allies] marlboro: -ok
01:04 [All] Mdo-podeng: -ok
01:06 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
01:07 [Allies] Krystal: solo bawha
01:07 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -ok
01:09 [Allies] Geboth: -switch 1
01:12 [All] Upil-Gajah: -ok
01:14 [Allies] Nocturne: -ok
01:15 [All] tatoki: -ok
01:16 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -ok
01:18 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
01:19 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
01:19 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: -ok
01:22 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -clear
01:23 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
01:24 [Allies] Krystal: -ok
01:25 [Allies] marlboro: -ok
01:25 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -ok
01:26 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
01:35 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -random
01:35 [Allies] tatoki: -ma
01:37 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
01:37 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: kypa tukar so??
01:40 [Allies] Upil-Gajah: -ma
01:44 [Allies] Krystal: 1 net
01:44 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -repick
01:46 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -
01:46 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: o0o
01:47 [Allies] tatoki: -ma
01:50 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: -clear
02:13 [Allies] Munavik: -ma
02:17 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: zz
02:18 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: sdk ats
02:18 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: qt mid
02:23 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
02:23 [Allies] Krystal: kho
02:25 [Allies] Krystal: solo
02:26 [Allies] Krystal: elelele
02:27 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: ?
02:33 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
02:36 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: qt so bli bagini le
02:39 [Allies] Krystal: pepe nn
02:43 [Allies] Munavik: -ms
02:45 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: qt slow polote neh
02:51 [Allies] Krystal: nga pepe
02:53 [Allies] Geboth: dgn huskar le
02:54 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: oi
02:54 [Allies] Geboth: akak
02:57 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: cari fb
02:57 [Allies] Geboth: sama dg tadi ini
02:57 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
03:25 [All] Geboth: wkwkw
03:27 [All] Nocturne: awkawkawkwak
03:28 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkkwkw
03:29 [All] Nocturne: luji le
03:37 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
03:54 [Allies] Geboth: funny video tadi noh
03:55 [Allies] Geboth: wkkw
03:58 [Allies] Geboth: maso youtube
03:59 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwkw
03:59 [Allies] Krystal: ...
04:36 [Allies] Krystal: wak wak
04:40 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wak wak
05:08 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: sakix
05:34 [Allies] Krystal: lag dia
06:01 [All] Mdo-podeng: wkwkw
06:08 [Allies] Krystal: wakwkakwa
06:10 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: toto
06:30 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: may tu naix
06:58 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
07:01 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wak wak
07:02 [Allies] Krystal: ngpain ?
07:15 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: njo
07:25 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: 0
08:02 [Allies] Geboth: wkwkw
08:04 [Allies] Geboth: mati rame"
08:04 [All] Nocturne: wew
08:05 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wwkwkw
08:06 [All] Nocturne: wkkwkwkw
08:16 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: itu di namakan RAMBO
08:20 [Allies] Geboth: akakak
08:29 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: 1 le
08:55 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: sbr
09:13 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwkw
09:17 [All] Mdo-podeng: wak wak
09:23 [All] tatoki: zzzzzzzz
09:25 [Allies] Krystal: wakwka
09:27 [Allies] Geboth: wkkw
09:31 [Allies] Geboth: nya dapa
09:32 [Allies] Geboth: sepot
09:41 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: mo ba sampa kang
09:45 [Allies] Geboth: ^^
09:48 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwk
09:51 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: ?
09:53 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: dapa tau
09:53 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: nhm
09:54 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: nm
10:22 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: techies... b rakit dlu dank...
10:25 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: stun
11:06 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: qta p darah ksiang
11:18 [Allies] Geboth: ah
11:20 [Allies] Geboth: nd asik
12:00 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: stun
12:19 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: tad
12:40 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: goyang
12:44 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: nm
12:48 [Allies] Geboth: wkwk
12:50 [Allies] Geboth: babiiii
12:51 [All] Munavik: anjret
12:53 [All] Krystal: wak wak
12:54 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: qt jow mana
12:55 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: 1
12:57 [Allies] Geboth: ta
13:00 [All] Munavik: baru bljr kasiang kita
13:01 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: sbr
13:04 [Allies] Krystal: \
13:08 [Allies] Krystal: o0o
13:56 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: nm
14:01 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: cari stun
14:04 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: cuma boleh bagoyang
14:06 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: rasta
14:13 [Allies] Geboth: ajar
14:18 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: m,aso
14:34 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: b dlo
14:41 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: duh senangnya tecies
14:41 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: twr jo ngoni
14:44 [Allies] Geboth: d b apa ?
14:44 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkwk
14:47 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: cari stun
14:48 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wwkwkw
14:55 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: rud
14:59 [Allies] Geboth: low
15:02 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: cma stun
15:03 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
15:11 [Allies] Geboth: nd ada le kw
15:38 [Allies] Krystal: nafsu amat sih
15:42 [All] Krystal: nafsu amat sih
15:54 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: salah tindis
15:55 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
15:58 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkkw
16:01 [All] Krystal: wakwakw
16:03 [All] Geboth: wkwkw
16:03 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwkw
16:04 [Allies] Krystal: awkakw
16:05 [Allies] Krystal: tobat
16:07 [All] tatoki: wkwkwkwk
16:10 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: peami
16:11 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wwkwkw
16:29 [All] Geboth: iyeii
16:29 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: toto
16:33 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: amper dia
16:34 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwkw
16:55 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: 1
16:58 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: kt
16:58 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: ke
17:01 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: swt
17:02 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: nda bilang
17:03 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wkwk
17:04 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: ajr
17:33 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: sep
17:36 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: may ngana
17:40 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: tecis
17:41 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
18:37 [Allies] Krystal: jgn situ
18:46 [All] Mdo-podeng: wkww
18:47 [Allies] Geboth: aw
18:52 [All] Munavik: pemau lee
19:00 [All] Munavik: pe siksa kote klo baru bljr
19:08 [All] Geboth: o0o
19:40 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkkw
19:45 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: sep
20:04 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: tecis orang mana ngana?
20:10 [Allies] Krystal: kampung
20:13 [Allies] Geboth: deso
20:16 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wkwkwo
20:18 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: kamp
20:23 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: p**** kampung main dota
20:23 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: z
20:57 [Allies] Krystal: puq
21:09 [Allies] Geboth: dpa door
21:14 [Allies] Krystal: bae le so kaya
21:30 [Allies] Geboth: dpa door
21:34 [Allies] Krystal: nbabi nn kho
21:37 [Allies] Krystal: tape tower
21:38 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: dapa dor
21:43 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: sapa nn?
21:45 [Allies] Krystal: ngamama
21:51 [Allies] Geboth: sapa jo nn suka babi ?
22:07 [Allies] Geboth: kaya eh
22:08 [Allies] Geboth: wkwkw
22:35 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: wwkkwkw
22:37 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: bukang main
23:19 [Allies] Krystal: bking malo eh
23:26 [Allies] Krystal: tower bawah pling utuh
23:27 [Allies] Krystal: wak wak
23:40 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: siap
23:44 [Allies] Geboth: tako drg
23:45 [Allies] Geboth: wkkw
24:02 [Allies] Krystal: cuq nn
24:20 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: swt
24:22 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: pro kwa sadiki
24:23 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wkwkw
24:29 [Allies] Krystal: pro kta
24:53 [Allies] Krystal: item pas"an le aksi
25:03 [Allies] Krystal: wak
25:06 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: pemar qt lebe kaya yau
25:10 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: yah kawand qta p mouse nd ba gra
25:10 [Allies] Krystal: haha
25:15 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: p**** dnag
25:22 [Allies] Krystal: aw
25:30 [Allies] Geboth: awo
25:36 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: nd ba gra qta p mouse
25:55 [Allies] Geboth: rusak ?
26:07 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: tau le ... nie kom pe panyaki noh
26:39 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wjkwkw
26:51 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: mo res kom qta
27:00 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: smo kaluar ne
27:06 [Allies] Krystal: TOBAT
27:07 [All] Krystal: TOBAT
27:09 [All] Krystal: p****
27:12 [All] Mdo-podeng: qyp
27:14 [All] Krystal: wak wak
27:17 [All] Mdo-podeng: jago so nn?
27:17 [All] Krystal: tobat
27:26 [All] Krystal: noh
27:28 [All] Mdo-podeng: la la la
27:31 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: woi qta smo kaluar
27:36 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: mouse nd jadi
27:41 [Allies] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: mo res kom musti
27:43 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: ok
27:45 [Allies] Krystal: ok dang
27:48 [All] HUNTER-X-HUNTER: HUNTER-X-HUNTER has left the game voluntarily.
27:48 HUNTER-X-HUNTER has left the game.
27:54 [All] Mdo-podeng: Nocturne has left the game voluntarily.
27:54 [color=orange]Nocturne has left the game.
27:56 [All] Krystal: elele
27:57 [All] Geboth: swt
27:58 [All] Mdo-podeng: cuq
27:59 [All] Krystal: ban
28:01 [All] Krystal: p****
28:03 [All] Krystal: lia jo
28:03 [All] Geboth: bku iko do
28:32 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: nm
28:36 [All] Mdo-podeng: kepo
28:49 [Allies] tatoki: -unlock
29:09 [Allies] Upil-Gajah: -unlock
29:20 [Allies] Krystal: so nda mood tre
29:22 [Allies] Krystal: so nmbole rampage
29:26 [Allies] Geboth: wkwk
29:27 [Allies] Krystal: wak wak ...
29:27 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: hoayem
29:47 [Allies] Geboth: ancor twr bwh :p
30:29 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: tda
31:07 [Allies] Geboth: swt dang
31:08 [Allies] Geboth: kho
31:22 [All] Krystal: wak wak
31:22 [Allies] Geboth: tobat
31:23 [All] Mdo-podeng: Wwkkw
31:24 [Allies] Krystal: tobat
31:37 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: kaya tulang
31:38 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wkwkw
32:14 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wwkwk
32:15 [Allies] Krystal: bnnyan gaya
32:37 [Allies] Krystal: cih
32:40 [Allies] Krystal: mangiri sto ni orang
32:57 [Allies] Geboth: kho
33:00 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: ?
33:01 [Allies] Geboth: ng babi
33:05 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: sapa ngaA>
33:05 [Allies] Geboth: (y)
33:09 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: az
33:44 [Allies] Geboth: oh
33:45 [Allies] Geboth: tidak bisa
33:49 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkwkwkw
33:54 [Allies] Krystal: oh tidak bisa
34:18 [Allies] Krystal: lalalala
34:22 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: wkwkw
34:57 [Allies] Geboth: taik
35:14 [Allies] Krystal: wak wak wak
35:23 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: kwkw
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: eq
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: Eq
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: eq
35:34 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: -unlock
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: Eq
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: ea
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: ea
35:34 [All] Krystal: - sma deng MGI
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: azz
35:34 [All] Munavik: astaga
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkwkwkw
35:34 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: cabu lan ini
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: or res kom
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: io
35:34 [All] Upil-Gajah: se laju jo
35:34 [Allies] Geboth: ndre
35:34 [All] tatoki: paling res
35:34 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: io
35:34 [Allies] Geboth: jam brp ini ?
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: Player [ComeHereYouJFc] voted to drop laggers.
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: Player [tatoki] voted to drop laggers.
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: Player [Upil-Gajah] voted to drop laggers.
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: Player [Geboth] voted to drop laggers.
35:34 [All] Mdo-podeng: marlboro lagged out (dropped by vote).
35:34 marlboro has left the game.
35:35 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: -unlock
35:35 [Allies] Upil-Gajah: -rf
35:35 [Allies] Krystal: - sma deng MGI
35:35 [All] Krystal: cacad kata nni >> Geboth bilang
35:37 [Allies] Mdo-podeng: 12
35:40 [All] tatoki: tim spontan le kwa
35:41 [All] Mdo-podeng: adh
35:42 [All] Mdo-podeng: ada
35:43 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
35:49 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -unock
35:49 [All] Mdo-podeng: mas gebot blng ccd
35:54 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -unlock
35:55 [All] Geboth: puki dang
35:56 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: 0clear
35:58 [All] Geboth: fitnah
36:02 [All] Mdo-podeng: ba make le
36:02 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
36:05 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -unlock jo
36:13 [All] Geboth: fitnah lebih kejam dari pada bunung bifi !!!!!!
36:30 [Allies] Geboth: -unlock
36:56 [Allies] Krystal: wakwkakw
36:59 [Allies] Geboth: wkwk
37:19 [Allies] Krystal: b
37:19 [Allies] Krystal: b
37:19 [Allies] Krystal: b
37:20 [Allies] Krystal: b
37:29 [Allies] Krystal: wkakwakw
37:30 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: wkwkkw
37:32 [Allies] ComeHereYouJFc: -clear
37:34 [Allies] Krystal: ide
37:44 [All] ComeHereYouJFc: wjwkkwkw
37:50 [All] Mdo-podeng: This game was hosted by GHost++ ( [All] Mdo-podeng: ComeHereYouJFc has left the game voluntarily.
37:51 ComeHereYouJFc has left the game.
37:53 [All] Mdo-podeng: Geboth has left the game voluntarily.
37:53 Geboth has left the game.
37:53 [All] Mdo-podeng: Mdo-podeng has left the game voluntarily.
37:53 Mdo-podeng has left the game.
37:54 [All] Munavik: Upil-Gajah has left the game voluntarily.
37:54 Upil-Gajah has left the game.
37:56 tatoki has left the game.
37:56 Munavik has left the game.
37:56 Krystal has left the game.